Healing Essences come as a potent potion made from natural flowers, crystals, light patterns.
The essence is made with utmost care using natural healing substances to create specific cures for any condition in the physical, emotional, mental, spir
Healing Essences
1. Life potion-made specifically to heal individuals life patterns, beliefs, stored emotions and trauma or any other limiting blocks.
2. Flower Essence-To heal specific conditions in the physical, emotional, mental body.
3. Abundance essence-To heal money and abundance blocks, create more prosperity and money flow.
4. Angel/Light beings essence-Healing essence to invoke the power of angels and light beings for specific purposes.
5. Joy Essence-Healing Essence to create more self arising joy and happiness.
*All healing essences need to be preordered as per individual requirements.
*pls contact +91 9810221107 for details